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Showing posts from August, 2018

No.12 Life in a test tube?

Francis Beacon said " A little science estranges man from God. A lot of science brings him back." Colson and Pearcey p. 69 The way scientists try to prove that life arose in primitive seas is to re-create the same conditions in the laboratory and see what happens. The most famous experiment was in 1953. Stanley Miller of Chicago when he claimed to have accomplished the first step toward creating life in a test tube. What was produced? Amino acids.   The truth is  that these differ in critical ways from those found in living things. Amino acids come in two forms, what scientists call left-handed and right-handed.   But living things are highly selective: They use only the left-handed. But Miller and his colleagues got both kinds - an even fifty/fifty mix of both left-handed and right-handed. There is no natural process that produces only left-handed amino acids, the kind required for living things. The amino acids formed in a test tube are useless for life. Th...

No13. When Scientists "CHEAT" - TRUE?

In real fact, the much-touted experiments about the origin of life tell us very little about where real, functional proteins came from. However this is very rarely mentioned when Scientists blare out their fake headlines saying they have succeeded to create the building blocks of life.  If scientists wanted us to really believe them, they would want to duplicate what might have happened in the primordial soup billions of years ago. They would simply mix up some chemicals in a vat, expose them to some energy source and see what happens. yet they never just do this. Why not? They would never get any chemical compounds that way. They have to have controlled experiments??????? 1. Chemicals in nature are never found in just their pure form. They can never predict what reaction will take place. How do scientists avoid complicated competing reactions. They only use isolated pure ingredients. They use new pure ingredients at each step. 2. They rig their experiments by screening out de...

No.11 Are we just Cosmic Accidents?

Notes from C. Colson and Nancy Pearcey Pages 61 - 67 Did all this that we see " just happen "???? This small sphere, the planet Earth, did it " just happen " to be the right size and " just happened " to be the right distance from the sun so that life " just happened "to arise here. Did through the processes of random mutations and natural selection ,we humans " just happened " to appear on this planet. What a Message? It tells our children that they're nothing more than a COSMIC ACCIDENT. Small wonder that, over time, all language about a loving God who created them and loves them sounds more and more like a fairy tale. Are all these so called coincidences really just... coincidences? Or did Someone design the universe this way? ThingLink 3 years ago 895 Recent scientific research   acknowledges that the physical structure of the Universe gives striking evidence of purpose and design.  They have proposed what i...

No.10. The Birth of the Universe (cont.)

Notes from CREATION Magazine. Big Bang Universe by Jonathan Safati. The Currently leading Cosmogony (Gk. "birth of the universe") is the big bang theory.  This basically says, ' Nothing exploded and became everything'. One part of this energy became matter as per the famous Einstein formula E=mc2. However, when this occurs, the standard laws of Particle Physics state that    an equal amount of matter and antimatter must be produced.    Yet our universe comprises overwhelmingly of matter, with only rare and fleetingly short-lived antimatter particles, produced for example in experimental high energy collisions.  These are of the same mass but opposite charge (if the particle is charged) and magnetic moment as the corresponding matter particle . They soon interact and are mutually annihilated - anti-electron with an electron, anti-proton with proton, anti-neutron with neutron etc. How did matter survive annihilation from an equal amount of anti-matter....

No.9. How did the whole Universe Begin?

Notes from Colson p.57 -67 Scientists  have completely reversed their theories in the past few decades. They thought for ages that the Physical Universe was eternal and therefore needs no 'creator'. Now they postulate that the universe did have an ultimate origin and that it began at a finite time in the past - just as the Bible teaches. Many ancient cultures believed that the material from which the Universe came was eternal. However, today "the indestructibility or permanence of matter" is a scientific fact" wrote a 19th Century proponent of materialism. For many years that is how things stood. Any thought of a Creator and the earth having a beginning was just bare religious faith standing in lonely opposition to established science. Now in the 20th Century several sources of new evidence appeared : the implications from general relativity theory that the Universe is expanding; that some stars exhibit "red shift", implying that they are moving out...

No.8 Worldviews in Conflict. A present - World Perspective only

DNA molecule vector image Notes from 'How Now shall We Live' by C. Colson p.21-22 Busy People A This World Perspective Only. Naturalists only think about what happens in the here and now, this age, this world and this life. For them the grave is the end. But for real Christians, they see things from an eternal perspective. Everything we do now has eternal significance. One Day there will be a JUDGMENT for everyone. Our choices now have eternal consequences. Col 3:1  If however you have risen with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, enthroned at God's right hand.  Col 3:2  Give your minds to the things that are above, not to the things that are on the earth.   Col 3:3  For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.  Col 3:4  When Christ appears--He is our true Life-- then you also will appear with Him in glory.   Col 3:5  Therefore put to death your earthward inclinations--fornication,...

No. 7.. Naturalism and Utopian-ism.

Naturalist generally think that human nature is essentially good. This very idea comes from the Enlightenment, and leads to Utopian-ism. Utopian-ism says, "If we can only create the right social and economic structures, we can usher in and age of harmony and prosperity. But Christians can never give their allegiance to Utopian projects. We know that sin is real and that it has deeply twisted human nature and that none of our efforts can create heaven on earth. Heaven is the Eschatological Hope of the Christian that will only be fulfilled by Divine intervention at the end of time. In the meantime, because of the human propensity to do evil and cause disorder, then we will need Law and Order enforcement throughout history. The Only Utopia which will ever exist is when Christ will set up His Reign and His Glorious Kingdom on earth and Satan will be bound.