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No.12 Life in a test tube?

Francis Beacon said " A little science estranges man from God. A lot of science brings him back." Colson and Pearcey p. 69

The way scientists try to prove that life arose in primitive seas is to re-create the same conditions in the laboratory and see what happens.
The most famous experiment was in 1953. Stanley Miller of Chicago when he claimed to have accomplished the first step toward creating life in a test tube. What was produced? Amino acids.

 The truth is  that these differ in critical ways from those found in living things.
Amino acids come in two forms, what scientists call left-handed and right-handed.  But living things are highly selective: They use only the left-handed. But Miller and his colleagues got both kinds - an even fifty/fifty mix of both left-handed and right-handed. There is no natural process that produces only left-handed amino acids, the kind required for living things. The amino acids formed in a test tube are useless for life.

The next problem is to get the amino acids to link up and form proteins.In 1958 Sidney Fox at the University of Miami boiled amino acids in water and induced them to react with one another. The result was protein-like chains of amino acids. Immediately Fox became famous.
The problem was the proteins in life are much more selective. . They are comprised of amino acids hooked together in a very particular chemical bond called a peptide bond. In the test tube they do form chains but they hook up , never producing a genuine protein capable of functioning in a living cell.
 In addition, for a protein to be functional, the amino acids must linkup in a particular sequence, just like the sequence of letters in a sentence. If you scramble the letter all you get is nonsense. All you get in lab. experiments all we get are scrambled, random sequences. There is no natural force capable of selecting the right amino acids and lining them up in the right order.


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