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No.25 The Problem of a Good God, and Existence of Evil

Notes from Colson and Peacey Pps 208- 211
If God is both All-Good and All-Powerful he will not allow evil and suffering to exist in His Creation. Yet, evil does exist. Therefore, either God is not all-good (that is why He tolerates evil), ar, he is not all-powerful (that is why He can't get rid of evil, even if He wanted to.) Men try to propose their solutions but they all fall short of the Biblical Solution.
Here are the normal human solutions to these supposed contradictions:
Atheism concept. Man atheist silhouette throws all religions in the trash at sunset

Solution #1 Deny that God exists at all.
The atheist simply throws out the first proposition. If there is no God at all, then evil poses no problem. Or does it?

If we follow this proposal to its logical conclusion, the problem of evil is transformed into something even worse: that nothing is evil, and by extension, that nothing is good. If there is no God then, there is no good and no evil. They are only subjective feelings taught by our society or culture telling us what is approved and what is disapproved. For the Atheist there is no answer to the problem of evil because there is really no question.
But does this satisfy the innate human outrage over evil and suffering, like happened to the young 21 year old South African girl who was carjacked with her boyfriend in Stellenbosch, Capetown  bashed, pack-raped and murdered in the back of her own car while pleading with her attackers to let her go free. Of course not. Instead, it mocks us by reducing our deepest moral convictions to a trick of our minds. They say it is only part of our nature because nature is all that exists.
Image result for Picture of girl Bashed at Stellenbosch Capetown
Hannah Cornelius
On its own terms, atheism simply does not have an answer and the pointlessness of our suffering makes it all the more painful.
When everything goes wrong even the die-hard atheists shake their fists at heaven, and Blame God for everything that has gone wrong. Like someone has said, "There is no atheists in fox-holes."


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