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No 24. Einstein's Dilemma

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Einstein Thinking.

The Greatest Scientist of the past Century ,the 20th century,  for him, the toughest intellectual barrier to the Christian Faith was not the question of whether God created the World or not. He saw clearly that the Universe was designed and orderly and therefore there must be a mind  behind everything, no mere chance bumping around of atoms in space. As he put it, the order of the Universe "reveals an intelligence of such superiority" that it overshadows all human intelligence. He believed vehemently in a causal order unifying nature from top to bottom.
What Stymied Einstein?
It was the problem of evil and suffering. Knowing there must be a designer, he agonized over the character of that designer. How could God be good yet allow terrible things to happen to people?
Because he could not reconcile the problem of evil and suffering with a good God, he turned away from the God of the Bible. 
He was a determinist. He always said that we were complicated machines doing what we were programmed to do - like wound up toys. If a persons actions are determined then Einstein then believed "in God's eyes man cannot be held responsible." "God must be responsible." This results in a God who is evil. Thus he believed in an impersonal Cosmic Being who gives the world its rational structure. Were human beings merely robots? This argument is seriously flawed. He committed himself to a certain Philosophy which prevented him from reconciling the existence of suffering and evil with the existence of a good God.
Can we find a Biblical answer to the cause of Justice in a fallen world?


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