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21. Hedonistic self-gratification v. moral responsibility and accountability

Today we are going to compare these two. The Hedonistic Self-gratification which leads to anarchy and suicide or the Biblical View of Obedience to God and Rich Rewards.

The Christian Worldview sets a very High Value on Human Life. This is not just biological Life. We are more than just a body. We are spiritual beings who live in a body. Some things are more important that biological Life. Obedience to God is one of them. Isaiah, the great Prophet of the Old Testament, while inditing the People of Judah said, "

Isa 1:18  Come now, and let us reason together, says Jehovah; though your sins are as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be like wool.
Isa 1:19  If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land;
Isa 1:20  but if you refuse and rebel, you shall be devoured with the sword; for the mouth of Jehovah has spoken.
Even though your sins have so deeply stained you life, like the scarlet die from that small insect in the Mediterranean region, I can forgive you and cleanse your life so that you will be white as snow.
Then He gives them the two principles of His Divine Administration upon earth.
1. If you are submissive and obedient you will prosper in your life.
2. But is you are resistant and rebellious, then the consequences of your Rebellion will be that you are devoured by the sword and death.

The naturalistic view of life pervades every area of Western culture especially among the young people. The are continually bombarded with hedonistic, self-gratifying messages from I-phones and TV and Educational institutions. They are told that life is all about toys and pleasure and satisfying every hormonal urge. Colson. p.139

However we all know with an innate understanding that God is real and there is a Day of Accounting coming where we all shall be asked to make an account of our lives. It is in our very nature, the way we were created, no matter how hard we try to suppress it. It burst out even in a Presidential exchange with students by President Bill Clinton.
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In 1993, Bill Clinton took the opportunity to have a question and answer session on MTV. Near the end of the interview a young 18 year old girl asked,"Mr. President, it seems to me that the singer Kurt Cobain's suicide exemplified the emptiness that many of our generation feel. How do you propose to.... teach our youth how important life is?"

He typically to them they must improve their self-esteem. "That they are the most important person in the world." But Kurt Cobain was important to somebody and looked up to by many somebodies.

There is such a great need for young people to understand the real meaning of Life and the Purpose for which we were born.
One Philosopher once said, "if God is dead, then there is only one serious problem to solve, that is suicide."
Image result for picture of augustine of hippoAugustine  Total War: Alternate Reality Wiki - Fandom Augustine, the Great Catholic Theologian, sixteen hundred years ago said, "You made us for Yourself, and our hearts find no peace until they rest in You." Many are in a restless search to know "Where we come from and Why are we here?"
Our dealing with Creation and our Origins gives us our Basic understanding that we are precious and made in the Image of God,   - Our Basic Understanding of Origins teaches us who we are.

A relative of mine was in a Teacher's College Lecture where they were discussing delinquents and behaviour. He added, "Well if you didn't teach them they were animals then they wouldn't act like them." The class went very quiet and the teacher asked, "How did you get in here?" meaning into the College.

The dignity of human life is not just some burning question for philosophy classes but a very real question that we all must answer personally.


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