After a Prison term the late Chuck Colson was ministering in prisons all over the world. |
Abortion has always been about more than abortion.
It is the wedge used by the so-called progressives to open the Historic Commitment in western Civilisation to the dignity of human life.
The western world world has moved from abortion to infanticide.
Handicapped infants are quite routinely allowed to die.. A poll in 1975 revealed that 77 % of paediatric surgeons favoured withholding food and treatment in the case of defective babies.
My own daughter was encouraged to abort what they said was a defective fetus. Her and her husband refused to allow it. That young girl is now top of her high school class in English and has received repeated academic awards at her High School in Sydney.
After a Prison term the late Chuck Colson was ministering in prisons all over the world. |
My Granddaughter |
Fancy stating that aborting babies has 'an important and positive public health effect". The words of the AMA head and later surgeon general of the USA. It is seen as an important means of improving the species. The Down's Syndrome children seem to be especially targeted. If the birth parents cannot cope with these children then there is a waiting list of people willing to adopt these children, many of whom are only slightly retarded. They are now advocating euthanizing all children with birth defects saying that the planet is overcrowded. Anyway babies are only just gene carriers and that it is easy to get rid of them before they bond with their mothers. The emotional 'circuitry' of the mothers is what is involved here. Pinker in the USA says 'that infanticide is built into our biological design,' and we cannot blame people for doing it. They treat these babies as non-persons who can easily be discarded. However the problem of abortion cannot be dismissed so easily as the stats tell us that many, many mothers of the aborted have serious mental health issues.
The baby in the womb having been reduced to the status of a 'non-person' is then demonised in pro-choice literature as a hostile aggressor against the mother, and abortion is dressed up as self defence.
'A fetus massively intrudes on a woman's body and expropriates her liberty', adds a University professor in the USA. They argue that a fetus is a dangerous and violent intruder and needs deadly force to repel it. Truly abortion, infanticide and euthanasia are all parts of the one package. Now they are advocating in Queensland even partial birth abortion which is a barbaric operation similar to offerings to the god, Moloch, in the old Testament.
In the end all these issues hinge on the way we cherish human life. If human nature bears the stamp of the Divine Maker, then life is infinitely precious. A Christian is not morally obligated to sustain life by all means and at all costs. Many Christians believe that it is morally acceptable to withdraw life support when technology is merely sustaining life artificially. This is completely different to hastening death for the wish or whim of somebody. This will open a Pandora's box.
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