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Showing posts from September, 2018

No. 19. Brave New Babies

Notes from 'How Now shall we live', by C. Colson and N. Pearcey. pps 126-128 Why is our thinking so degraded when what I am is determined by what other people think I should be. Man is trying to create the ideal species capable of living in harmony and stability , a species free from all antiquated ideas and encumbrances such as family and child rearing. To ensure the unfettered pursuit of happiness , free sex is encouraged, and all purpose drug will be available. Life will be a perfect bliss. when it becomes burdensome or inconvenient, it is gently and mercifully ended. This is a bizarre fantasy. eugenics juːˈdʒɛnɪks/ noun  the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.  This resulted in Eugenics - the idea of improving the human race and based upon evolution and the superior species. It was to be brought about by selective breeding. This did not begin in Hitler's Laboratories b...


After a Prison term the late Chuck Colson was ministering in prisons all over the world. Notes from C. Colson pps 120 -126. Abortion has always been about more than abortion. It is the wedge used by the so-called progressives to open the Historic Commitment in western Civilisation to the dignity of human life. The western world world has moved from abortion to infanticide. Handicapped infants are quite routinely allowed to die.. A poll in 1975 revealed that 77 % of paediatric surgeons favoured withholding food and treatment in the case of defective babies. My own daughter was encouraged to abort what they said was a defective fetus. Her and her husband refused to allow it. That young girl is now top of her high school class in English and has received repeated academic awards at her High School in Sydney. After a Prison term the late Chuck Colson was ministering in prisons all over the world. My Granddaughter Fancy stating that aborting babies has 'an impo...

No.17. Whatever Happened to the Meaning of Life Itself

Notes from C. Colson and N. Pearcey HOW NOW SHALL WE LIVE. Oliver Wendell Holmes : I see no reason for attributing to man a significance in kind from that which belongs to a baboon or a grain of sand. Life is a sacred gift from God . No one knows this better than Ken McGarity. He had both legs blown off as well as one testicle and both arms broken. He also lost both eyes from shrapnel wounds in Vietnam. Despite his pain and handicaps he married, had two daughters, and even though he struggled he was alive and was greatly helped through Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Some just wanted him to die, which would have been the easy way out, but a courageous doctor helped sew him up and saved his life. 189th Assault Helicopter Company Tony Gambone, Bob Taylor, Ken McGarity, Travis Gillis, and John Silversmith What is the Meaning of Human Existence? Christians believe that we are a Special Creation of God in His own image.   Because human life bears this Divine Stamp,...

No.16. Darwin's Dangerous Idea.

Notes from How Now shall We LIVE?  By Chuck Colson and N. Pearcey Pps. 99 -100 Is the concept of a “roadmap” working . MSDN Blogs - Microsoft The Road Map to Reality: Every Worldview is a proposed Road-Map of Reality, a Guide to navigating in this world. The Crucial Test is to ask whether we can live by it . If you find that you are continually splashing through rivers and crashing onto rocks and boulders then there must be something wrong with your Map. If you are living according to a worldview but keep bumping into reality in painful ways, you can be sure there is something wrong with your worldview. Let's Test the naturalistic Worldview of Carl Sagan? Sagan literally canonised the Cosmos, openly plugging his personal Philosophy on his popular TV program.  He transformed Science into a religion. Carl Sagan Quotes One consequence of His religion of the Cosmos  was that he actively committed to the cause of animal rights. So he ...

No.15 Who is this Guy?

How Now Shall We live? By C. Colson and N. Pearcey p. 97. In William Steig's Yellow & Pink. a delightfully whimsical picture book for children, two wooden figures wake up and ask, " Do you know what we're doing here?" So begins the debate between two marionettes over the Origin of their existence. Pink surveys their well formed features and concludes, " Someone must have made us. " Yellow disagrees. " I say that we're an accident," and he outlines the hypothetical scenario of how it might have happened. A branch might have broken off a tree and fallen on a sharp rock, splitting one end of the branch into two legs. Then the wind might have sent it tumbling down the a hill until it was chipped and shaped. Perhaps a flash of lightning struck in such a way as to splinter the wood into arms and fingers. Eyes might have been formed by woodpeckers boring in the wood. "With enough time, a thousand, a million, maybe two million and...

No. 14 Evolutionists Non-plussed by Irreducible Complexity

"Look,  Katy" one dad asked his daughter, "Just think of your own experience. Have you ever seen a message written in the sky for all to see or on a rock by some kind of natural force? " "Hmmm" she replied noncommittally. VectorStock DNA molecule vector image Anyone who says that some natural force in the chemicals 'wrote' the DNA code - well, that's like saying the chemicals in the paper and ink wrote these words on this page. It never happened. What our children are being taught in school is saying that nature can do everything on its own and that God is irrelevant. Q uietly God is being nudged into this position of irrelevance, where there is simply nothing for Him to do as far as creation is concerned. When they study Evolutionary Biology which says, "By coupling un-directed, purposeless variation to the blind, uncaring process of natural selection , Darwin made Theological and spiritual explanations of the life proces...