Notes from 'How Now shall we live', by C. Colson and N. Pearcey. pps 126-128 Why is our thinking so degraded when what I am is determined by what other people think I should be. Man is trying to create the ideal species capable of living in harmony and stability , a species free from all antiquated ideas and encumbrances such as family and child rearing. To ensure the unfettered pursuit of happiness , free sex is encouraged, and all purpose drug will be available. Life will be a perfect bliss. when it becomes burdensome or inconvenient, it is gently and mercifully ended. This is a bizarre fantasy. eugenics juːˈdʒɛnɪks/ noun the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. This resulted in Eugenics - the idea of improving the human race and based upon evolution and the superior species. It was to be brought about by selective breeding. This did not begin in Hitler's Laboratories b...