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No. 19. Brave New Babies

Notes from 'How Now shall we live', by C. Colson and N. Pearcey. pps 126-128

Why is our thinking so degraded when what I am is determined by what other people think I should be.
Man is trying to create the ideal species capable of living in harmony and stability, a species free from all antiquated ideas and encumbrances such as family and child rearing. To ensure the unfettered pursuit of happiness , free sex is encouraged, and all purpose drug will be available. Life will be a perfect bliss. when it becomes burdensome or inconvenient, it is gently and mercifully ended. This is a bizarre fantasy.
noun the science of improving a population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics.

 This resulted in Eugenics - the idea of improving the human race and based upon evolution and the superior species. It was to be brought about by selective breeding. This did not begin in Hitler's Laboratories but in the 1920s and 30s among respectable and sophisticated men and women in London, Philadelphia and NewYork.
Now they want genetic engineering  which is an attempt to create a race free from all defects. They have started by cloning. If we are just a chance collision of molecules combining in a primordial soup, why not?
Soon we will have EG or extra-corporeal gestation  which is being attempted in Universities. If something can be done it will be done by someone soon enough. Our morals and ethics have gone out the window.
We hear of a women who was impregnated by her son-in-law and gives birth to her daughter's child. A female priest of the Episcopal church in the Us has sperm from three men mixed, (so she will not know the father), is impregnated and gives birth. Birthing contract between gays and lesbians are horrendous to say the least. The problem arises when someone wants to know their birth-parents.

In whose Image?p.129
It is not to see man as a natural product, it is not seeing straight to see him as an animal. It sins against the light, and the broad daylight of proportion, which is the principal of all reality. G.K. Chesterton
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Hälsa på isbjörnen i Köpenhamn. | Tjock / Passet

Can anyone really live with a completely naturalistic view of human life, that human beings are merely primates? Some people in Copenhagen thought so. In 1996 they went to the Copenhagen Zoo and in a glass walled cage they had a primate house. just a pair of homo sapiens. They couldn't live just as primates and didn't heed the call of nature in public and went to watch a movie. The exhibit only lasted a few weeks.
The test of any experiment is whether it conforms to reality, to the way things really are. We are fundamentally different from all other animals. That truth is in us, put there as the stamp of our Maker and as much as we want to we cannot dislodge this. Every attempt to deny our true nature is doomed to failure.


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