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Thriving like a Lamb in a Wolves World by Simon Rattray

Mat 10:16  I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves. 
We are living in a very dangerous time in world History.
We are told to stop using plastic bags for they kill the marine life yet the Government of Queensland wants to allow the murder of babies up to full term in so called abortion clinics and government hospitals. This is already what is done in Victoria.

We need to Understand the Wolf's Strategy.
1) Lies. J. Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Riech once said, " If you lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it.
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Goebbels Propaganda Minister for The Third Reich.

There are lies being proclaimed in our society that the Church is  Anti - Freedom, and Anti-society because we do not agree with all the gender rearranging that is going on. All these lies about equality are being pushed onto us by a minority whoa are aggressively pushing 'safe schools' ideology on to us. The aim is not same-sex marriage but is the destruction of Christian Marriage and the moral laws of the so-called 'Misogynous God' of the Old Testament.  This Safe schools agenda is being pushed in NT. and Vic and soon here in Qld. They are expecting young children in Primary School to be allowed to be indoctrinated with all this Trans-Gender stuff. They are not stealing our children as they walk home from school. They are stealing their minds while they are at school.

In 1687. there was the Declaration of Indulgence in Britain. This was all about Religious Freedom where no longer could anybody be thrown into prison for their Religious Beliefs. This came about because of the THIRTY YEARS WAR in Germany, where Protestants and Catholics killed half the population of men women and children who wouldn't come under the church of Rome.

There is such an Anti-God feeling in society  that the are saying "we are using our freedom to oppose people and dominate them with our Values."

2) The Big Need is to Witness the Suffering Lambs.

I visited Vietnam and a Pastor invited me to his small little one room house with a rolled-up mattress which he put on the floor at night. I said I would pray that God would give him a better house.
This pastor said, " Is this not a Gift from God?" The Big problem with Western Christianity Now is consumerism. We spend so much time on the house the car the size of the Block we live on and all the Mod-cons. I spent so much time buying a new house with a yard big enough for my husky dog.
We need a new Perspective.
Someone has said, "When the fighting breaks out you are either on the frontline, part of the supply lines or you are AWOL.(Absent without leave)" Where are you right now?"
Where do you stand with the impending Creeping Cancer in our society. 

"Christians can survive Persecution but they rarely Survive Prosperity. "

Strategy no 3. We need the Wisdom of the Ancient Lambs.
The Jews were Exiled to Assyria and Babylon but they settled down and became comfortable. Only 30% ever returned to Jerusalem.
We are too comfortable. We no longer have the influence in society that we once had. Christianity in our Culture is gone. 
Jesus was not interested in INFLUENCE but in example.
See Daniel and His Example in Persia(Iran). He was unwilling to compromise his three times a day Prayer Life. 

Dan 6:19  Then the king arose very early in the morning and hurried to the lions' den. 
Dan 6:20  And when he came to the den, he cried with a grieved voice to Daniel. The king spoke and said to Daniel, O Daniel, servant of the living God, is your God whom you always serve able to deliver you from the lions? 

Have you allowed your culture to captivate you, or are you CAPTIVATED BY GOD AND BY GOD ALONE.

In the Book of the Revelation, they overcame by 1. the Blood of the Lamb, by 2.  the Word of their Testimony and  3. they were willing to lay down their lives.
All true believers who are suffering use these three ingredients when suffering severe persecution.
The Persecuted Saints around the world remember the Sacrifice and Resurrection of our Saviour when they are suffering loss. Now is the time to share Jesus while we still have time. They say that their suffering is only giving us more time while we have the freedom to do so.

5). We must use the weapons of the Lamb.
"The weapons of our warfare are not carnal (of this world) but are Mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds in our culture." May God teach us how to respond with love.

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Tomb of the Prophet Daniel in Shusha Iran. today. 
Illustration:Shiite Muslims go their to pray even till this day.
Image result for Picture of the Tomb of Daniel

Daniel is still remembered and honoured in Iran even till today. He refused to compromise.

Bruce Rattray my Father spent 40 years in Indonesia. For the last Twenty years of His Life,  he was in Sumatra but he did not have one single Muslim Convert. He had prostate cancer in his latter life. The Doctors wanted him to stay in Australia for treatment. He refused and went back with WEC to Sumatra.
Just a couple of years ago Simon's Brother, Paul was in the city where his Father had worked to  hold a conference with Pastors who were from a Muslim Background. One pastor with a large church asked to speak with him privately. They went for coffee. For a long time the Pastor did not talk, he just moaned. 
Then he said, " I was a bomb making extremist. I went to a small church here and wanted to bomb and blow up the church. This white preacher was sharing the Gospel of Jesus Love with the Congregation. God spoke to me and I ran out of the meeting. I ran and ran,  for 20 years. Till one day I surrendered to Jesus and gave my life to Him. Now we have 6, 000 in our church. of Muslim Background Believers. Muslims are coming to Christ in droves.
Our Dad never knew or saw what was happening now.
When you plant a seed for the Lord it has the Spiritual Life of God in that seed . One day it will bear fruit.

6) Keep close to the  Shepherd.
The Shepherd can show you and Guide you, and teach you. Walk with the Shepherd.

Simone's father before His death said" I followed the Shepherd but it is not always safe where He takes you."

If you witness for Him, it will bear fruit.

Heb 11:13  All these people died having faith. They didn't receive the things that God had promised them, but they saw these things coming in the distant future and rejoiced. They acknowledged that they were living as strangers with no permanent home on earth. 
Heb 11:14  Those who say such things make it clear that they are looking for their own country. 
Heb 11:15  If they had been thinking about the country that they had left, they could have found a way to go back. 
Heb 11:16  Instead, these men were longing for a better country-a heavenly country. That is why God is not ashamed to be called their God. He has prepared a city for them. 


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