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no.5 Christianity and Multiculturalism

As a consequence of Moral Relativism , the naturalist treats all cultures as morally equivalent, each only reflecting its own history and experience. India is Hindu and Thailand is Buddhist etc. Contemporary tends like Postmodernism and multiculturalism are rooted firmly in naturalism, for if there is no transcendent source of truth or morality, then we find our identity only in our race, or tribe or gender or Ethnic Group. One outstanding African Leader said that the Western Press and Media are only enforcing African Tribalism.
But Christians can never equate truth with the limited perspective of some small group. TRUTH is God's Perspective as revealed in Scripture..
Jesus said in John 14:6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". Notice the definite article before each making each unique. THE Way, THE Truth, and THE life.

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Hence, while we appreciate the cultural diversity, we insist on the propriety of judging particular cultural practices as morally wrong or right. Furthermore, Christians regard the Western Tradition and heritage as worth defending; that is, to the degree that Historically it has been shaped by the Biblical Worldview. Notes from Worldviews in Conflict p. 21 How Now shall we live? by Chuck Colson.


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