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Showing posts from July, 2018

No.6. Naturalism and Pragmatism

Notes from Chuck Colson p.21. Pragmatism. Since Naturalists deny any transcendent moral standards,  they tend to take a pragmatic approach to life. Pragmatism says: "Whatever works best is right for me." Actions and policies are judged on utilitarian grounds alone. By contrast, , the Christian is an idealist, judging all actions not by what works but by what ought to be, based upon an objective standard. This standard is Given by God in the Scriptures. It is called the Law. Without law and Order then there is just anarchy and chaos where everyone does 'what is right in his own eyes.' The Law was given by the Creator Himself, as a moral compass to show us the way to live. No one has completely kept God's Law except Jesus Christ Himself. IDIOT DRIVERS CAUGHT ON CAMERA! Ultimate Driving Fails 2017 Have you see those YouTube videos of lawlessness on motorways. There is carnage all over the road. People who live w...

Thriving like a Lamb in a Wolves World by Simon Rattray

Mat 10:16  I am sending you like lambs into a pack of wolves. So be as wise as snakes and as innocent as doves.  We are living in a very dangerous time in world History. We are told to stop using plastic bags for they kill the marine life yet the Government of Queensland wants to allow the murder of babies up to full term in so called abortion clinics and government hospitals. This is already what is done in Victoria. We need to Understand the Wolf's Strategy. 1) Lies.  J. Goebbels, propaganda minister for the Third Riech once said, " If you lie long enough and loud enough, people will believe it. Goebbels Propaganda Minister for The Third Reich. There are lies being proclaimed in our society that the Church is  Anti - Freedom, and Anti-society because we do not agree with all the gender rearranging that is going on. All these lies about equality are being pushed onto us by a minority whoa are aggressively pushing 'safe schools' ide...

no.5 Christianity and Multiculturalism

As a consequence of Moral Relativism  , the naturalist treats all cultures as morally equivalent, each only reflecting its own history and experience. India is Hindu and Thailand is Buddhist etc. Contemporary tends like Postmodernism and multiculturalism are rooted firmly in naturalism, for if there is no transcendent source of truth or morality, then we find our identity only in our race, or tribe or gender or Ethnic Group. One outstanding African Leader said that the Western Press and Media are only enforcing African Tribalism. But Christians can never equate truth with the limited perspective of some small group. TRUTH is God's Perspective as revealed in Scripture.. Jesus said in John 14:6 " I am the Way, the Truth and the Life". Notice the definite article before each making each unique. THE Way, THE Truth, and THE life. Hence, while we appreciate the cultural diversity, we insist on the propriety of judging particular cultural practices as morally wrong or rig...

Post No.4 Christian Ethic and Moral Relativism

¡ Christian Ethics is the study of what ought to be , not what is. It describes normative behaviour, what we should do in a particular situation according to the Word of God . ¡ ”. Ethics comes from the Greek word meaning a stall for horses, a place of stability and permanence. ¡ “ morality ” comes from “mores” which describes the shifting patterns of behaviour in society. ¡ a Biblical worldview . (Seeing the World Through Biblical Eyes) ¡ Many do not act like Christians because they do not ‘think like Christians’. ¡ It is thinking according to the Bible. BioLogos by the Barna Group ¡ Behaviour  comes from  Values and beliefs.    comes Thinking Biblically about the Issues of life’  ultimately result  in  our living Biblically within our society . ¡ As a Man Thinks in his heart so is he [so He will live]. Moral Relativism IN Morality, naturalism results in Moral relativism. If nature is all that there is, then there is no ...

Post no. 3 Naturalism described

These major systems are utterly opposed, Christianity and naturalism . If we are going to understand and find the truth we must seek to comprehend the full implications of what we believe. Naturalism is the idea that nature is all that exists Wikipedia defines naturalism: In  philosophy ,  naturalism  is the "idea or belief that only  natural  (as opposed to  supernatural  or  spiritual ) laws and forces operate in the world." [1]  Adherents of naturalism ( i.e. , naturalists) assert that natural laws are the rules that govern the structure and behavior of the natural universe, that the changing  universe  at every stage is a product of these laws. " Those that believe in naturalism say that life is just a chance collision of atoms, evolving eventually into human life as we know it today. In its broadest sense, naturalism can even accommodate certain forms of religion - those in which the spiritual is conceived as completely in...

Post 2: Christianity v. Naturalism

Chuck Colson met a Cabinet Minister in Asia who was appalled saying that Asians Associate Christianity with the West, However, all the smut and wickedness that is flooding into Asia through the Movies and Internet is not coming from 'the Christian' West, but pagans who exploit people for money. The Problem in my own Country of Australia is not the Left v. the Right but the underlying cultural war between Christianity and naturalism. Christianity is Theistic , i.e. theism is the belief that there is on transcendent God who created the whole Universe, while naturalism  is the belief that natural causes alone are sufficient to explain everything that exists. Here are the fundamental questions that must be answered : - Is the Ultimate reality GOD or the cosmos? - Is there a supernatural realm or is nature all that exists? - Has God spoke and revealed His truth to us, or is truth something we have to find, even invent, for ourselves? - Is there a purpose for our lives, or a...

1 st. Post: Religious and Cultural Divides.

Worldviews or the way we see the world and the basic beliefs about the world are in conflict . The world is not necessarily divided by geographic boundaries but by religious and cultural traditions. Will Durant in Ch 3 Worldviews in Conflict said, " From barbarism to civilization requires a century but from civilization to barbarism needs but one day." WE all are religious creatures and our lives are defined by our ultimate beliefs more sharply than by any other factor. So the culture wars in the West are actually being orchestrated by great Belief Systems. This clash is more important than what is happening in Islam or Asia or the political scene. It is exactly what is dominating the whole globe at the present time. The Information Age has transported across barriers of geography and national border the ideas of the West. Even Asian and Islamic societies have been flooded with Western books , movies, videos and culture.  People around the world are wrestling with t...